Scholarship Details
Find A Way Scholarship
This scholarship was created by DI graduate Corine Maggio, founder of CM Natural Designs, to encourage students who, like her, have had to overcome some bumps in the road to pursue their interior design education. The $1000 scholarship award will be in the form of a check to be used however, the winner sees fit. The application will be reviewed by the Devoted to Design Foundation Scholarship Committee. A winner will be chosen based on the ability to follow the given instructions, clarity in addressing the essay question and confidence that the Committee feels the individual will follow through to achieve their goals.
Essay Prompt
Complete an essay of 500-1000 words describing what you’ve sacrificed in order to follow your dreams to become an interior designer, how this scholarship could help, and how you plan to achieve your goals.
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Enrolled at Design Institute of San Diego
2. Have a minimum DI GPA of 3.0
3. Working on average a minimum of 20 hours a week*
4. Eligible for financial aid*
The Scholarship will be awarded on an annual basis and applications will be accepted September 5th through October 5th of each year.
Disclaimer – Should the Scholarship Committee, determine during any scholarship application period that no applications or applicants met the eligibility requirements; the Committee reserves the right to withhold the awarding of a scholarship.
*Employment and financial aid verification will be required before scholarship funds are distributed.